Kapitel 925–927: Der nächste Fall mit der Schwarzen Organisation?

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  • Kapitel 926 ist nun bei Chinesen aufgeschlagen. Wie erwartet sehen wir diese Woche die polizeilichen Ermittlungen in dem Fall. Keine Pause nächste Woche. Weiter gehts dann mit Kapitel 927 und wahrscheinlich der Fall-Auflösung durch Conan.

    Hier die Zusammenfassung des Kapitels von presumenothing:
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    • title: The staffs’ alibis are?
    • Asuka died between 7-8pm, cause of death - blood loss due to severing of the carotid artery, weapon - penknife found next to the body, probably from the back room of the restaurant
    • Higo lost his phone (though he thinks he brought it to the restaurant)
    • both Yoko&Higo are surprised when Takagi asks if they’re dating, they don’t know about the tabloid article
    • when interviewed, the staff tell Megure and Takagi about what happened earlier (first search ~7pm, second ~10min later, text from Asuka ~7.30); the waiter brought Y&H to the store room before going to the back room where he found only the sommelier, the 3 were discussing where the owner could be when Yoko screamed
    • Y&H were looking around in the store room because Asuka didn’t return (~7.50pm) when they found the body
    • from staff interviews - store room is always kept locked (key hanging on the wall of corridor entrance within sight of the staff, only Asuka had a backup key); his phone is missing; he has been staying in the back room overnight, with spare clothes kept in his locker; he was clean-conscious and vacuumed the back room even after the waitress cleaned it; many cigarette ends found in restroom rubbish bin
    • from Y&H interview - storeroom was locked when they arrived; waiter opened it, called Asuka’s name, and waited for a while before leaving; Y&H went in to look around and found Asuka’s body; Higo thinks he left his phone at the table or restroom; Yoko’s phone battery is dead; Y&H were apparently planning to ask Asuka for a favour
    • Conan notices a small hole with some wine stained around it on the blanket, and matching hole and winestain on the sleeve of one of Asuka’s jackets in the locker…
    • side note: the hole and stain on the jacket… what could be the trick!?

  • Kapitel 927 "Illusion in the Back Room" ist nun bei den Chinesen aufgetaucht. Der Täter scheint ein perfektes Alibi zu haben, doch sein Trick hat eine Schwachstelle. Was ist Conans Schlussfolgerung?
    Diese Woche erscheint die Shonen Sunday in einer Doppelausgabe #36/37, weshalb nächste Woche kein Magazin erscheint. Deswegen geht es erst in zwei Wochen mit Kapitel 928 weiter, aber immerhin ist es diesmal nicht Gosho der eine Pause einlegt, sondern die gesamte Zeitschrift ;)

    Für Spoiler-Freunde, hier die Zusammenfassung von presumenothing:
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    • title: Illusion in the Back Room (cover text: The seemingly perfect alibi trick… yet there’s a loophole in it…)

    • Sleeping Kogoro’s deduction - the back room can be searched by just one person (while the store room has many blind corners and should have more people searching it) but the criminal wanted a third party to confirm that the owner wasn’t in the back room.

    • Conan’s demonstration of the trick - put a thick shirt into a vacuum compression bag, remove the air and flatten it, stack five of these bags (with shirt inside) on the couch, cover with blanket - it now looks like no one’s there. Stab ice pick through all the bags to let air in, then pull out shoes previously hidden under couch - illusion complete.

    • deduction, continued - wine stain is proof that the corkscrew in a sommelier knife was used. Although the corkscrew wouldn’t usually come in contact with wine when opening a bottle, the sommelier is a fake because he didn’t sniff the cork after uncorking the bottle, and he smokes. The sommelier found Higo’s phone in the restroom and learned that he and Yoko were meeting Asuka, sent a text asking Asuka to buy more things (thus delaying his return), urged the others to search and set up the alibi trick. Then he texted Asuka with Higo’s phone to come to the storeroom and killed him during the second search. Finally he sent the text to Kounoe from Asuka’s phone, removed the clothes from the vacuum bags and put them in the locker.

    • evidence - the bags and phone were found (by Ai) in the kitchen dustbin.

    • sommelier’s motive - Asuka found out that the sommelier had faked the labels to sell cheap wine at expensive prices, and was going to accuse him of fraud.
      Higo and Yoko wanted to meet Asuka because a high school teacher (that had taught all of them) was retiring, so they went to buy a watch as a gift and wanted to ask Asuka to write a message. (Apparently, they’re dating soccer and singing/acting respectively…)

    • Higo thanks Kogoro for finding the killer, Yoko thanks Conan for his help with the deduction, and Higo thanks Ai for finding the evidence (and says that he’s tempted to get her to replace Sanada in their team.)

    • last frame - Ai is leading DB to the park to play soccer while singing Yoko’s song Dandylion (Conan, thinking: No matter how hard you try, it’s impossible for a girl to join Higo’s team…)