Kapitel 796-798: Kogoro Detektei und die Toilette des Todes

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  • Kapitel 796-798: Kogoro Detektei und die Toilette des Todes


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    Title: "A Meeting at Columbo"

    Ran, Kogoro and Conan are watching news about a three bank robbers in the office.

    Kogoro: "This has been the only piece of news the whole morning..."
    Ran: "Well, it's only been one week from the robbery, and one of the bankers was apparently shot..."
    Kogoro: "Yeah...was that because he tried to go against them?"
    Conan: "I don't think so...apparently he put both his hands up and said. "Okay, please stop!" and tried to cool the situation."
    Amuro: "Well, the won't be able to do anything with the money. The 2 hundred million yen they took (~2.5 million USD) were all new notes and there are records of the codes on them."
    Kogoro: "Yeah...it's only a matter of time then before they're caught...and what the hell are you doing here?"

    Amuro had brought up sandwiches for them.

    Conan: This guy's got too much spare time on his hands.
    Amuro: "And so, do you know what kind of case your client will be bringing today? (Kogoro: How the hell do you know about that?) Well, usually Sunday lunchtime Master Mouri reserves time for reading the Racing Post...Today, he's shaved...and right now it's supposed to be Okino Yoko's..."

    Kogoro hurriedly changes the channel.

    Ran: "He shifted the time for meeting the client because he wanted to see this show live."
    Conan: This guy's got too much spare time too.

    A message comes to Kogoro's phone from Kashizuka Kei, saying she wants to change the meeting place to Columbo. Kogoro says he can't be bothered to go but Ran says that isn't even lunch time yet and pushes him to get up. She tells him off for dropping cigarette ash on the table.

    Amuro: "Do you mind if I sit down with you?"
    Kogoro: "So long as you pay your tuition fees..."

    When Kogoro and Co. leave the agency, there's a mysterious shadow watching them go. At the Columbo, Kogoro explains the case: A coin locker key was found amongst the belongings of the client's deceased brother and she wants Kogoro to identify which locker it belongs to.

    Kogoro: "Generally when it comes to keys you can use the serial number and the manufacturing company's name to find things out...and I get 300000yen (~$3838 USD) for this!"

    They wait for the client and start muttering about how she's late and hasn't turned up. Kogoro notices that the previous mail address of the e-mail from the client is different from the one just received.

    Ran: "Maybe her phone's charging and she's had to use a friend's to send the message?"
    Amuro: "And then her friend switched off the phone?"
    Kogoro: "I sent back an OK message to the second address!"
    Conan: "So maybe she's waiting back at the office, not knowing that you'd replied?"

    They send a message to the first e-mail address, saying that they were going to go back to the office. When they get back to the office, Kogoro is about to go to the loo when another message arrives, "I've just arrived at Columbo. Could you come as quickly as possible?" Conan is about to go to the loo too when another message comes in, "Hurry and bring everybody with you."

    Conan and Amuro: "Alright, let's go."

    They leave the room

    Amuro: "Clearly there was somebody who didn't want the client to meet with Master Mouri...he sent the message to get the Master out of the office and then met with the client himself, pretending to be an employee at the office. As evidence of that, note the traces of the door having been forced open, there's a damp cup in the cutlery cupboard...knowing Miss Ran, I doubt that she'd put away a damp mug."

    Conan: "And the ash on the table has been wiped off."

    Amuro: "So somebody invited in the client whilst we were out and put out some tea."
    Ran: "But...but...why would somebody...she only came because she wanted to have a coin locker found..."
    Kogoro: "Maybe there's something tremendously valuable in the locker..."
    Amuro: "Hmm...in which case, shall we ask the person himself? It was when the Master... and then when Conan...tried to go to the toilet that..."
    Conan: "And there are traces of something having been dragged up to the toilet door..."
    Amuro "That's right. Somebody, for some reason, grabbed the client and is still hiding inside the toilet."

    Suddenly there's a loud bang. Conan runs to the toilet, where they find a woman with her mouth and body bound up with tape. Beside her is a dead man pointing a gun at himself. He's sat down on the toilet seat, holding the gun in both hands, and between his knees...

    Conan and Amuro: "What?!"

    The police arrive. Megure: "Kashizuka Kei, you came here to ask Mouri to look for a coin locker but she were knocked out by a man calling himself Mouri's apprentice with a stungun. When you came to, you were bound and in the toilet..."

    Kashizuka: "Yes...he'd taken away my boots to stop me running away...and pulled out all of the shoestrings..."
    Megure: "Then Mouri came home, and this man panicked and put the gun in his own mouth and shot himself. But why did he put you in the toilet?"
    Kashizuka: "He was asking me over and over again where the coin locker for the key was...and that if I didn't tell him, he'd shoot me."
    Takagi: "Inspector! Apparently we couldn't find much trace of the shooting on her clothes..."
    Megure: "In which case it would be correct to assume that the man shot himself...and that she is telling the truth...Right, well, now it's time to find this coin locker and find out why this man committed suicide.

    Amuro and Conan silently observe the weeping Kashizuka.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Chekhov MacGuffin ()

  • I'm not that pessimistic right now. Sure, it sounds pretty unspectacular for now, but it nevertheless reminds me of the bank robbery committed by Akemi and her companions in the early volumes - which indeed was the prelude of a BO-case with pretty important consequences for the main story (like the first indirect appearance by Shiho, etc.) ^^

    Ich sehe das Ganze noch nicht so pessimistisch. Es stimmt zwar, dass es sich bis jetzt ziemlich unspektakuklär anhört, aber es erinnert mich nichtsdestotrotz an den Bankraub, der von Akemi und ihren Begleitern in den frühen Bänden verübt wurde - und sich später tatsächlich als Auftakt zu einem BO-Fall entpuppte, der wichtige Folgen für den Verlauf der Haupthandlung hatte (wie der erste, indirekte Auftritt von Shiho, etc.)
  • Klingt nach nem typischen Cafe-Fall :D
    ihr wisst schon, wo Koggi immer so tut als wäre er der Hot-Cofee-Trinker (das finde ich immer so genial :D)

    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, missgönnst du
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, schlingst du
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, stiehlst du
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, bist du überheblich
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, bist du träge
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, zürnst du
    Weil du ein Herz besitzt, begehre ich alles an dir...

    Ulquiorra Cifer
  • When Kogoro and Co. leave the agency, there's a mysterious shadow watching them go.

    Hm, sounds interesting. I wonder who it'll gonna be. :D (Sera perhaps?)
    Especially since Gosho has promoted this case to be 'shocking'. ^^

    Hm, ein mysteriöser Schatten hört sich doch ganz interessant an. Wer das wohl sein wird? :D (Vielleicht Sera?)
    Immerhin hat Gosho den Fall ja als "Schock" beworben.^^
  • If this mysterious shade which follows them is Sera, it would really make sense.
    If Sera belongs to the organisation and Amoru maybe really her odd-job man and at the same time Scar-Akai is, it would make sense.
    She would like to see how wide Amoru is.
    Maybe the both also notice, that Conan is in reality Shinichi?

    Wenn dieser mysteriöse Schatten, der ihnen folgt, Sera ist, dann würde es wirklich Sinn machen.
    Wenn Sera zur Organisation gehört und Amoru vielleicht wirklich ihr HAndlanger und gleichzeitig Scar-Akai ist, würde es Sinn machen.
    Sie möchte sehen, wie weit Amoru ist.
    Vielleicht merken die beiden ja auch, dass Conan in Wirklichkeit Shinichi ist?

    Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall
    you shoot me down, but I get up
    I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
    fire away, fire away
    you shoot me down, but I won't fall

    I am titanium

  • Oder der Bruder der Klientin war Mitglied der BO und hat geheime Dokunmente in den Spind getan^^

    Wobei das der Schatten dann jemand aus der BO ist wohl wahrscheinlicher wäre^^
    :oadmire: :ostunning: Skyrim :olove: :ocharmed:
    Tofu schmeckt um einiges besser, wenn man es Sekunden vor dem Verzehr durch nen Schwenker ersetzt.
  • Der Fall ist nun auf chinesisch raus...
    Der Schock...da war keiner, außer dass der Mann auf der Toilette tot in der Ecke lag...

    Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall
    you shoot me down, but I get up
    I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
    fire away, fire away
    you shoot me down, but I won't fall

    I am titanium