Eines der großen Geheimnisse der Serie... Es geistern ja so viele Theorien durch das Internet, angefangen bei Agasa über Yusaku bishin zu Sharon Vineyard (Ja, tatsächlich, solche Hirngespinste gibt es! >.<). Wer ist euer aussichtsreichster Kandidat?
Bei mir sind es zwei:
1. Toichi Kuroba
2. James Black
Zu Toichi: Sehr hypothetisch. Dazu müsste erst einmal eine Verbindung zwischen den Organisationen in den beiden Mangas belegt werden, doch Parallelen gibt es genug, angefangen damit, dass Vermouth von Toichi ausgebildet wurde. Vielleicht ist sie seine Favoritin, weil sie die Verkleidungskunst so perfekt beherrscht? Oder zum Beispiel Andeutungen auf das ewige Leben als gemeinsames Ziel.
Zu James: Seine Unauffälligkeit macht ihn verdächtig. Er ist lange genug im Geschäft, hat entsprechende Kontakte und großen Einfluss und hält sich relativ bedeckt. Außerdem haftet seinem ersten Auftritt etwas Geheimnisvolles an; Conan denkt bei seinem Vornamen zuerst an James Moriarty und kommt zudem aus London. Nicht der erste Bezug auf England, die Heimat von Sherlock Holmes: Gin ist ein englischer Wacholderschnaps und Elena Miyano war Britin. Alles, was irgendwie mit GB zu tun hat, war bisher von Bedeutung...
Ich bin auf eure Theorien gespannt.
Editiert am 8.08.12
Bekannte Infos:
1): Chatverlauf von dctp

8 Aug 12, 12:06 vinyard: thx Zenthi
8 Aug 12, 12:05 Zenthisoror: But, mustn't jump to conclusions.
8 Aug 12, 12:05 Zenthisoror:
If it was Ooguro Kentaro, maybe we could put him on the list of
suspects for the head of the BO - the symbols for the surname, after
all, mean Big Black.
8 Aug 12, 12:03 Zenthisoror:
Hmm...well on the page Conan's looking at, the names are: Sakanazuka
Saburo, Miyano Shiho And the clearest name on Hattori's page looks like
Ooguro Kentaro, although it could be Oozato Kentaro.
8 Aug 12, 10:17 vinyard: can someone pls translate the names in the guestbook ? bilder-upload.eu/upload/040d17-1344438783.png
HADAA: Zen, it's actually Ooguro -R-entarou(大黒連太郎), and the name Ooguro did appear as the building's name in that Tequila's case. Tidbit: Number 49 is Miyano Shiho and Number 50 looks suspiciously like 土井塔 (Doitou, and with 克樹 Kakki it would become the alias used by Kid once), but at this point I think Gosho prolly simply ran out of names or just inserted random easter eggs.
Ergänzende Info aus dem Forum:
Tatsache. Der Treffpunkt des Mörders im Tequila-Fall mit den Männern in Schwarz ist die Bar "Cocktail" im "BigBlack"-Gebäude. (BigBlack= Ooguro im japanischen)
Infos aus den Interviews ect
1) Aoyama had already put the name of the boss somewhere on the manga in some form or another. The time frame of the initial interview places this as before File 551. Note Gosho is specific about the name, not the actual character. It seems unusual to me to specify only the name of the boss has appeared if the boss has actually shown up in person. Thus, I view this as a suggestive hint that the boss himself/herself may have not appeared yet in the manga.
2) Aoyama suggested that the true name of the syndicate, which has also never been revealed, is tied to the identity of its leader. If the Black Organization's real name were revealed, everyone would know who its leader is. This seems like a pretty big hint. I strongly doubt Gosho would do something as direct as naming the organization after the boss's last name. Given the organization’s use of classic literature, especially of the mystery genre, and allegory, the organization’s true name is probably a clever reference or a play on words. Haibara likely knows it because when discussing the Organization with Shinichi, she sometimes says, "the people you call the men in black". (One example occurs when she pretends to shoot Conan in desperate revival. Use the anime translation.)
3) This part was not in the original interview, but has been widely reported. It is attributed to Volume 19: The Case Closed Casebook. Aoyama also said that Ai would be really shocked if she discovered who the boss is. “It’s someone that Haibara would never have expected.” Ai is very paranoid and untrusting, so the condition that the identity of the boss would really shock Ai helps narrow down the cases. There are several possibilities.
1) She trusts this person dearly. There’s a pretty limited number of people that fit this criteria and most of them seem to be dead or are protagonists and therefore very unlikely to be the boss.
2) The person wouldn’t fit Ai’s expectations
2.1) The person seems "useless" or of unsuitable personality to actually think of them as being a mastermind behind a large organization. Ai would have had to meet this person personally so that she could gauge their personality and subsequently write them off as unlikely to be anyone of consequence. This person would almost certainly not trigger Ai’s “black org sense.”
2.2) The boss’s front job or status is unexpected like a policeman or a school teacher rather than a scientist, company boss, or political figure. It would have to be an unusually benign front to really shock Ai. This person would probably not trigger Ai’s “black org sense” either.
2.3) The “evil relative theory”: one of the protagonist’s relatives is the boss or has a direct connection to the boss. The unlikelihood that the honestly good protagonist has some sort of connection to the head of the evil syndicate makes it shocking. The boss could also literally be Ai’s blood-relative, but considering her family’s underworld connections, I’m not sure that Ai is naïve enough to assume that one of her relatives couldn’t be the boss.
2.4) The person's age is unexpected. Given the aging wonkiness that has gone on there is a possibility that the boss could even be a “child” somehow mucked up by drugs or whatnot which would explain why the boss only uses email to avoid allowing people to hear his/her youthful voice and avoids letting people meet him/her (although this behavior can simply be explained as generic cautiousness). In this case, Shiho wouldn’t need to have met the boss before to be surprised.
3) She thinks this person is dead. Her parents would be an example of this, although that means they ordered the death of both of their daughters. Shiho’s mom especially seems unlikely to do so based on the tapes.
Bei mir sind es zwei:
1. Toichi Kuroba
2. James Black
Zu Toichi: Sehr hypothetisch. Dazu müsste erst einmal eine Verbindung zwischen den Organisationen in den beiden Mangas belegt werden, doch Parallelen gibt es genug, angefangen damit, dass Vermouth von Toichi ausgebildet wurde. Vielleicht ist sie seine Favoritin, weil sie die Verkleidungskunst so perfekt beherrscht? Oder zum Beispiel Andeutungen auf das ewige Leben als gemeinsames Ziel.
Zu James: Seine Unauffälligkeit macht ihn verdächtig. Er ist lange genug im Geschäft, hat entsprechende Kontakte und großen Einfluss und hält sich relativ bedeckt. Außerdem haftet seinem ersten Auftritt etwas Geheimnisvolles an; Conan denkt bei seinem Vornamen zuerst an James Moriarty und kommt zudem aus London. Nicht der erste Bezug auf England, die Heimat von Sherlock Holmes: Gin ist ein englischer Wacholderschnaps und Elena Miyano war Britin. Alles, was irgendwie mit GB zu tun hat, war bisher von Bedeutung...
Ich bin auf eure Theorien gespannt.
Editiert am 8.08.12
Bekannte Infos:
1): Chatverlauf von dctp

8 Aug 12, 12:06 vinyard: thx Zenthi
8 Aug 12, 12:05 Zenthisoror: But, mustn't jump to conclusions.
8 Aug 12, 12:05 Zenthisoror:
If it was Ooguro Kentaro, maybe we could put him on the list of
suspects for the head of the BO - the symbols for the surname, after
all, mean Big Black.

8 Aug 12, 12:03 Zenthisoror:
Hmm...well on the page Conan's looking at, the names are: Sakanazuka
Saburo, Miyano Shiho And the clearest name on Hattori's page looks like
Ooguro Kentaro, although it could be Oozato Kentaro.
8 Aug 12, 10:17 vinyard: can someone pls translate the names in the guestbook ? bilder-upload.eu/upload/040d17-1344438783.png
HADAA: Zen, it's actually Ooguro -R-entarou(大黒連太郎), and the name Ooguro did appear as the building's name in that Tequila's case. Tidbit: Number 49 is Miyano Shiho and Number 50 looks suspiciously like 土井塔 (Doitou, and with 克樹 Kakki it would become the alias used by Kid once), but at this point I think Gosho prolly simply ran out of names or just inserted random easter eggs.
Ergänzende Info aus dem Forum:
Tatsache. Der Treffpunkt des Mörders im Tequila-Fall mit den Männern in Schwarz ist die Bar "Cocktail" im "BigBlack"-Gebäude. (BigBlack= Ooguro im japanischen)
Infos aus den Interviews ect
1) Aoyama had already put the name of the boss somewhere on the manga in some form or another. The time frame of the initial interview places this as before File 551. Note Gosho is specific about the name, not the actual character. It seems unusual to me to specify only the name of the boss has appeared if the boss has actually shown up in person. Thus, I view this as a suggestive hint that the boss himself/herself may have not appeared yet in the manga.
2) Aoyama suggested that the true name of the syndicate, which has also never been revealed, is tied to the identity of its leader. If the Black Organization's real name were revealed, everyone would know who its leader is. This seems like a pretty big hint. I strongly doubt Gosho would do something as direct as naming the organization after the boss's last name. Given the organization’s use of classic literature, especially of the mystery genre, and allegory, the organization’s true name is probably a clever reference or a play on words. Haibara likely knows it because when discussing the Organization with Shinichi, she sometimes says, "the people you call the men in black". (One example occurs when she pretends to shoot Conan in desperate revival. Use the anime translation.)
3) This part was not in the original interview, but has been widely reported. It is attributed to Volume 19: The Case Closed Casebook. Aoyama also said that Ai would be really shocked if she discovered who the boss is. “It’s someone that Haibara would never have expected.” Ai is very paranoid and untrusting, so the condition that the identity of the boss would really shock Ai helps narrow down the cases. There are several possibilities.
1) She trusts this person dearly. There’s a pretty limited number of people that fit this criteria and most of them seem to be dead or are protagonists and therefore very unlikely to be the boss.
2) The person wouldn’t fit Ai’s expectations
2.1) The person seems "useless" or of unsuitable personality to actually think of them as being a mastermind behind a large organization. Ai would have had to meet this person personally so that she could gauge their personality and subsequently write them off as unlikely to be anyone of consequence. This person would almost certainly not trigger Ai’s “black org sense.”
2.2) The boss’s front job or status is unexpected like a policeman or a school teacher rather than a scientist, company boss, or political figure. It would have to be an unusually benign front to really shock Ai. This person would probably not trigger Ai’s “black org sense” either.
2.3) The “evil relative theory”: one of the protagonist’s relatives is the boss or has a direct connection to the boss. The unlikelihood that the honestly good protagonist has some sort of connection to the head of the evil syndicate makes it shocking. The boss could also literally be Ai’s blood-relative, but considering her family’s underworld connections, I’m not sure that Ai is naïve enough to assume that one of her relatives couldn’t be the boss.
2.4) The person's age is unexpected. Given the aging wonkiness that has gone on there is a possibility that the boss could even be a “child” somehow mucked up by drugs or whatnot which would explain why the boss only uses email to avoid allowing people to hear his/her youthful voice and avoids letting people meet him/her (although this behavior can simply be explained as generic cautiousness). In this case, Shiho wouldn’t need to have met the boss before to be surprised.
3) She thinks this person is dead. Her parents would be an example of this, although that means they ordered the death of both of their daughters. Shiho’s mom especially seems unlikely to do so based on the tapes.
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